Friday, March 18, 2016

5 Things You Didn't Know About Watermelons

1. Watermelons are good for your heart
Watermelons are high in vitamin C, which is well researched in its ability to prevent the hardening of the arteries, increase the elasticity of the blood vessels and decrease inflammation. All of these factors can help prevent high blood pressure and heart disease

2. They may prevent prostate cancer
Watermelon contains an abundance of an amino acid called L-citruline. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant studied extensively for its ability to protect men against prostate cancer.

3. They are high in vitamin B1

4. They are perfect for post-workout snacks
full of magnesium and potassium. We often lose these two minerals, along with sodium, in our sweat during exercise, and they need to be replenished immediately.

5. Low in calories
A cup of watermelon contains about 80 calories.

Well  now you know. Grab a watermelon today



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