Monday, March 14, 2016

Beyonce Slays In Cornrows On The Cover Of Garage Magazine

Beyonce transformed into a literal work of art for the cover of Garage Magazine,This will be her first interview in years.Queen Bey opens up about her proudest moments,her biggest hero and why she loves being her own boss giving us more reasons to love her.

When asked about her proudest moment, Beyonce revealed it wasn't an award or an album, but something far more intimate. “Out of everything
I’ve accomplished, my proudest moment hands down was when I gave birth to my daughter, Blue,” she said.

She also kept it close to home when discussing who her biggest hero is. “My biggest hero is and always will be my mother. She has taught me
about caring for others, working hard and working smart. Everything I know about being a mother comes from the examples she has shown. My mother instilled confidence in my sister and me and taught us to always be grateful.”

Bey also spoke about her creative passions outside of music. “I find myself most drawn to painting and photography. There’s a release and
immediacy there that helps me escape from my other projects.” Not surprisingly, her “biggest hero” had a hand in that, as well. “My mother is
a huge art collector and she always encouraged me from a young age to invest in art. I travel a lot and I love going to art galleries and museums
in different cities with my family and friends.”

She also told Garage why she loves being her own boss. "Over time, I have learned to focus on the things I want to focus on in the time frame
that I set. I no longer have to work based on someone else's expectations or pressure. I put
enough pressure on myself! I love being 100% involved with all my projects and now I'm fortunate enough to do that."


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