Okuneye Idris Olanrewaju AKA Nigeria's male barbie doll,who has been receiving hateful comments on social media as a result of his
transformation he has a message for his haters which he posted on his Facebook page.

Just dis week alone I saw myself on three blogs, bloggers are busying making their money while some jobless fool will sit down and type rubbish….as far as am concern I don’t give a fuck about any shit written about me.
As far as am counting my millions and helping people d little way I can and also paying my tight to God. Fuck humans let God judge me not humans we are all created from d same sand so no humans should judge anyone.
We are all sinners no one is Perfect so no one should sit down and say shit about anyone. And if u are looking for someone to advice am sure he or she should have a relations.
There is always an adages dat say mind your turn cloth were is turn and stay away from other.morning to u all.
Ok o...We have heard,By the way see a guy's perfect brows while some girls own will be looking like Nike Logo..hehehehehehehe#justsaying
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