Thursday, April 21, 2016

HELP !!! My Husband Wants To Take My Umbilical Cord To The Village

Please hide my ID. My due date is 22 of this month but the way I am seeing it, I may even go in earlier than that because my body is rapidly
changing. This will be my third child and my first son as i have a 5 and 3 yr old daughters but I did not experience this when I had them.

My husband told me that my mother in law is demanding that we bring my umbilical cord home to the village after delivery. I was shocked beyond word. I inquired to know why
and he told me that its tradition. I didn't believe him until he insisted and I found out he was serious.

I couldn't comprehend it. He said that every male child in their community (Umu-eze anam)under goes the same thing. I told him that my cord will not be going anywhere because I never knew he and his mother were diabolic. He insisted that there is nothing diabolic about it.

When I insisted on knowing what they needed the cord for,he said that they usually bury it and then plant udara (agbalumo) tree over it.

That it wasn't diabolical but merely symbolic of the position of a first child and the fruitfulness.

Since last night,I have been thinking. I even had a bad dream when i managed to doze off.

Honestly, My mother in law goes to church and I don't doubt my husband but my spirit is not
comfortable with this and at the same time I don't want to disobey my husband because he is a very good husband and father.

Please what do I do? Advice needed.


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