Thursday, June 16, 2016

Is OAP Freeze Seeking For Political Appointment? He's Now Begging People to Support Buhari • 'Allow Him Make Nigeria Great Again'

From the desk of "daddy" Freeze...

"Nigerians have a history of voting people into office and not letting them work~FRZ.

I remember quite clearly the jubilation on the streets of Lagos, when president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan was voted into office in 2011, that joy however, was short lived, because in 2012, less than a year later, he became one of the most insulted presidents ever,for the proposed deregulation of petroleum products he wanted to carry out.

"Our lack of foresight prevented us from seeing that the proposed price we greatly opposed back then, is the same price we warmly embraced recently. I remember with much clarity, the #OccupyNigeria some Nigerian celebrity clowns carried on
their heads like gala, one of the noble intentions of which, was to remove the fuel subsidy, which was one of the biggest and most elaborate corruption schemes in
Nigeria, that created a billion dollar cabal, swiftly draining the country's financial and natural resource 'blood' like a cut to the jugular.

"Fast forward to the 15th of June 2016, president Buhari floats the Naira and instead of the expected jubilation, as it is a much anticipated move in the right direction, Nigerians are busy hounding him for a certificate. If you guys don't mind he
can come and have mine, I will even add my UI BSC in sociology as I have NEVER needed the certificate.

All I learnt is in my head and will follow me to my grave as a certificate in Nigeria today is hardly worth the paper it's printed upon.

"Let us support the man we voted into power, LET US ALLOW BUHARI MAKE NIGERIA GREAT AGAIN!"


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