Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mathew Knowles Denies Beyonce Cut Him Off & Left Him Broke: “It's Nobody's Business When I See My Kids"

Beyonce's dad Mathew Knowles has
defended his relationship with her -
explaining that he’s still very much in the singer’s life, and often sees his granddaughter Blue Ivy . The 64-year-old who used to manage his
daughter's career until he cheated on his ex wife Tina, and produced two babies with two different baby mamas; insists Bey hasn't cut him out of her life, after she fired him as her manager over his cheating scandal.

Mathew was photographed hugging
Beyonce at her Formation tour last month -but has slammed claims that this was the first time they’d seen each other in ages. Mathew said: " Unfortunately the media got it wrong - they tried to portray it like it's the
first time we've seen each other. They even got all the photos all messed up and confused. Some of those photos, like the one with Blue Ivy pulling Beyonce's hair - that was six months ago. There [were] photos
from multiple times we've been together that somehow the media made [it look like they were all taken] at the concert. "

Mathew also explained he sees more of his family than people seem to believe but he doesn't feel the need to alert the media every time they meet up because it is "nobody's business". He told RadarOnline.com: " Nobody's gonna call and say, 'Hey! Today I was with Beyonce!' That wasn't my first time seeing Beyoncé in years. It's nobody's business
when I see my kids or my grandkids. It’s not different than any othertimes I've been with Beyonce and Blue - it's a lot of fun. It's always good to see your kids ."


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